
We shot your _____

Yes, we did, and we have absolutely no regrets!

A picture does not merely capture an image or an instance in time, but it captures a memory that could never be replicated in the exact same way, ever! That smile, that final burst of energy, that sweat-stained singlet, that bicycle crash or that mad dash to the finish line, all these instances are different, unique and personalized for each individual.

When we claim that We Shot Your ______, we strive to capture as many of these distinct and special moments for you. In the past, after races, participants would actively look for their photographs online in hopes of finding a photo-set of the recent race they took part in. Sometimes, it takes awhile to get the official event photos up online, and combing through your favorite search engine, crossing fingers and looking for the event that just ended in hopes of finding just one photo of you could end up leaving one disappointed.

What WSY aims to do is to provide a platform whereby we compile photographs of any photo enthusiasts to showcase their work, as well as allow participants of these events a single convenient website to look for their photographs from a recently past event. 

Well, maybe this is just an excuse we give ourselves for us to play with our own camera gear, but at the end of the day, we hope to capture and share with you those precious moments, when you smiled, you teared, you succeeded, you failed, when you were at your happiest, when you pushed yourself hard and when you completed the very race you have been training all your life for.

We wish to be right there with you, ensuring that that moment of yours is not lost.